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East side of North Manhattan, Vattier intersection closing

Updated: Jun 14

City of Manhattan Press Release:

Starting Wednesday, September 20, Ebert Construction began work on the east half of the Vattier Street and North Manhattan Avenue intersection as part of the North Manhattan improvements project adjacent to Kansas State University.

This phase will commence the removal and reconstruction of the sidewalks, crosswalks, and signals on the east half of North Manhattan Avenue and Vattier. During this construction, the east side of North Manhattan Avenue, as well as Vattier east of the intersection, will be closed to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Two-way traffic still will be maintained on North Manhattan Avenue, however.

Eastbound traffic leaving K-State on Vattier will be restricted to right turns only. Left turns from northbound North Manhattan Avenue still will be allowed, though.

Please drive safely, follow all posted traffic control signage and be aware of construction workers in the area.



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